I have been a terrible blogger ever since our sweet baby was born. I have a long list of posts to write, but since we have a major lap baby, I don't get a ton of time to work on them. We did want to wish you a Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Ellie Grace
Ellie Grace is here! She was born Wednesday, November 14 at 3:33. She weighed 8 lbs. and 15 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. We are extremely blessed and so in love! I'll be back this week with all the details.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Baby Update
Well, it's Monday, November 12 and we still have no baby. When we went to the doctor last Thursday, the ultrasound looked good and Ellie Grace is healthy and apparently happy where she is. She weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz., so not quite enough for Dr. Gordon to want to do a c-section yet. He checked me again and I'm still only 1 cm., so we came back home hoping she would want to come this past weekend, but no luck. We go back tomorrow for another ultrasound and check, and more than likely, I'll stay and go to the hospital. Dr. Gordon comes on call Wednesday morning and will induce, which is not what I wanted at all, but since she's not wanting to come on her own, he wants to give her a little help :).
We can't wait to see this little one, and hope to be back soon with pictures!
We can't wait to see this little one, and hope to be back soon with pictures!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
D Day
Well, today is our due date and Miss Ellie Grace has decided that she is not ready to make her grand entrance yet! I have had a few random contractions this past week, but nothing other than that really. I went to the doctor Monday, and once again he couldn't even really check me because my cervix is still extremely posterior (sorry for all the personal info!). She has dropped and is in the right position, but for some reason my cervix is not moving to where it needs to be. Dr. Gordon says the only thing he can think of is that there is a good possibility that she is pretty big and there's just not room for my cervix to get around her. So, tomorrow I go back to the doctor and they are going to do an ultrasound to see how big she it right now. If she is bigger than between 8 and 9 pounds, there is a good possibility that he will go ahead and schedule a c-section to prevent a complicated labor that could turn into an emergency c-section. Hopefully, I'll have some good baby news to report back tomorrow!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
38 Weeks, Getting Ready, and a Contest
How in the world are we only a week and a half away from my due date?? I feel like I have so much to do before baby girl gets here! Luckily, my mom has been super helpful these past few weeks and this weekend we got a lot accomplished. {We'll be bringing Ellie Grace home to her house since ours is still under contract}. Here are some pictures of things we did:
I had my weekly appointment this past Wednesday and had my first check. Ellie Grace is definitely in the right position and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, so I guess she could come any time now. Here's my 38 week picture {looking large as usual}:
Since we're super close to our due date, I'm going to copy my sweet sister and throw a little contest for all 3 people who read this blog. Leave a comment telling me when you think Ellie Grace will make her debut (include the time) and I'll send a Starbucks gift card to the winner. :)
We got the changing table set up (the lovies are just hanging out on top for now) |
Our car seat came and we're getting it installed this week |
We got the stroller put together |
The bassinet is all ready...this is the bassinet my sister and I slept in as babies |
Since we're super close to our due date, I'm going to copy my sweet sister and throw a little contest for all 3 people who read this blog. Leave a comment telling me when you think Ellie Grace will make her debut (include the time) and I'll send a Starbucks gift card to the winner. :)
Monday, October 22, 2012
37 Weeks
This post is a little late, but life has been a little hectic lately! I know I say this a lot, but I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by! It's crazy to think that we will be meeting Ellie Grace in just a few weeks. I went to the doctor this past Wednesday (I go every week now) and everything looked good. He will start checking me at my next appointment, so we will see how things go Wednesday. Here's a picture of this week's belly...just excuse the fact that I look like I have no make-up and that I haven't slept in weeks!
I've started to feel more uncomfortable this week, mainly from just being so big and constantly out of breath! Luckily, my kids at school are sweet and help me out a lot. I'm still planning on trying to work until she gets here, but we'll see what the doctor says Wednesday.
To add to the craziness, we were told last week that the loan office is backed up on their paper work, so we won't close on our house until Nov. 16, which is after Ellie Grace is due. We were very disappointed that we won't be bringing her home to our house, but luckily she won't remember it :). We have lots of people on standby to help us move, so hopefully moving in with a newborn will go as smoothly as it can.
I've started to feel more uncomfortable this week, mainly from just being so big and constantly out of breath! Luckily, my kids at school are sweet and help me out a lot. I'm still planning on trying to work until she gets here, but we'll see what the doctor says Wednesday.
To add to the craziness, we were told last week that the loan office is backed up on their paper work, so we won't close on our house until Nov. 16, which is after Ellie Grace is due. We were very disappointed that we won't be bringing her home to our house, but luckily she won't remember it :). We have lots of people on standby to help us move, so hopefully moving in with a newborn will go as smoothly as it can.
Friday, October 12, 2012
36 Weeks and A Shower at School
Yesterday, my sweet kindergarten team threw a shower at school for Ellie Grace. Everything was so cute and we got some really sweet things.
We had a doctor's appointment Wednesday and everything looked good. We talked about when I would be induced if she decides not come on time, even though I'm hoping she decides to come on her own! My blood pressure is still really good, even though my feet are super swollen and I actually lost 2 pounds this week!
Tomorrow, mom and I are going to take back some things we got duplicates of and get some of the things we still need. Then, we'll just be waiting to get in our house and waiting for her to get here!
Super cute decorations |
Loved the cake...so cute and yummy! |
Front view of my enormous belly! |
My sweet kindergarten grade group (minus Kim and Jenny) |
Me and Mom |
36 weeks side shot |
Tomorrow, mom and I are going to take back some things we got duplicates of and get some of the things we still need. Then, we'll just be waiting to get in our house and waiting for her to get here!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
35 Weeks and More Showers
This week has gone by so quickly! I feel like these last few weeks are flying by and it's making me more nervous. I'm starting to realize that in a month or so, we're actually going to have a baby to take care of! Even crazier, that we are still not in the house and we may not get to close on our original date, so I'm just praying Ellie Grace waits to come until we are in the house.
This past weekend, we had 2 more showers (yes, we have had a ridiculous amount of showers, but I am very grateful for everyone who has wanted to give us one and for the things we have received).
Friday night, some of our friends in Marianna hosted a co-ed shower so Chad could get in on the experience. This is a picture of just the girls that helped host:
We got lots of diapers and some really sweet books (the theme was "Bottoms and Books").
On Sunday, I had a shower at my church and we were blessed with some really sweet things from some of the sweetest ladies. It was special because these are ladies I grew up around and have known forever. It was also special because my sister and niece got to come for the weekend.
I've felt good this week, other than my swollen feet. I've actually started sleeping better this week, which is a blessing. This week I start going to the doctor every week, so hopefully we'll get a good report!
This past weekend, we had 2 more showers (yes, we have had a ridiculous amount of showers, but I am very grateful for everyone who has wanted to give us one and for the things we have received).
Friday night, some of our friends in Marianna hosted a co-ed shower so Chad could get in on the experience. This is a picture of just the girls that helped host:
We got lots of diapers and some really sweet books (the theme was "Bottoms and Books").
On Sunday, I had a shower at my church and we were blessed with some really sweet things from some of the sweetest ladies. It was special because these are ladies I grew up around and have known forever. It was also special because my sister and niece got to come for the weekend.
My mom and I |
4 generations...my sister, granny, mom, niece, and me |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
34 Weeks and Fun With Old Friends
This past weekend, some of my oldest friends from elementary and high school hosted a shower for Ellie Grace. It was so sweet and they really outdid themselves with all they did to make it special. Everything was perfect and we got some really great things for Ellie Grace {I forgot to take a picture of her gifts and they're all at my mom's since we're still not in our house!}. We are so blessed to have so many people that care about us!
I am still feeling pretty good, but my feet are extremely swollen everyday when I get home. I have tried some different things to help them, but haven't found anything that really works. Hopefully, they won't get much worse in the next few weeks.
Sweet friends...we've known each other forever! {Just look past the fact that I look like a tank!} |
Saturday, September 29, 2012
We're Ready To Come Home
We finally found a coming home outfit! I have been searching for the perfect one and have had something specific in mind and had not been able to find anything close to what I wanted. However, when we went to Birmingham last weekend, I found this and it was perfect!
Now we just Ellie Grace to get here to wear it home!
In other news, I had a doctor's appointment this week and everything is looking good. Starting the week after next, I go every week. How crazy is that? Time is flying by!
Now we just Ellie Grace to get here to wear it home!
In other news, I had a doctor's appointment this week and everything is looking good. Starting the week after next, I go every week. How crazy is that? Time is flying by!
Monday, September 24, 2012
33 Weeks and Our First Shower
As far as pregnancy goes, there hasn't been much new happening this week, other than getting larger by the day (or so it seems). I am sleeping a little better (going between the bed and the chair), but my feet still stay pretty big and swollen. Overall, I feel pretty good though and really can't complain.
We had our first shower this past weekend in Birmingham (hosted by my sweet friends from college - Anne, Sarah, and Katie) and it was so much fun! We are so blessed to have such awesome friends and family members and it is already obvious that Ellie Grace is very loved and is going to be very well clothed! ( I forgot to take a picture of all her goodies, but I will add it!)
We had such a fun time and it was so good to get to see friends that we don't get to see very often!
We have our last baby class tomorrow, a doctor's appointment Thursday, and my aunt and uncle are coming this weekend from North Carolina (plus we have another shower), so we will be busy!
We had our first shower this past weekend in Birmingham (hosted by my sweet friends from college - Anne, Sarah, and Katie) and it was so much fun! We are so blessed to have such awesome friends and family members and it is already obvious that Ellie Grace is very loved and is going to be very well clothed! ( I forgot to take a picture of all her goodies, but I will add it!)
Yummy food |
Cute decorations |
Mom and sweet Mary Allison |
Asya, my sister in law, and I |
Aunt Vickey and I |
Jenny, Emily, and Mom |
Jenny, Emily, and Me |
Me and Em |
Jenny and I |
Group shot (I love Anne holding on to both babies!) |
Mom, Jenny, Me and Granny |
AOII friends...Carrie (with Allison), Me, Katie, Sarah, and Anne (with Mary Allison) |
We have our last baby class tomorrow, a doctor's appointment Thursday, and my aunt and uncle are coming this weekend from North Carolina (plus we have another shower), so we will be busy!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
32 Weeks
So, I missed a picture last week...life has been crazy!! It seems like there is always so much to do and I'm sure it won't slow down any time soon. I guess this is God's way of getting us ready for hectic life with a newborn. I did snag a 32 week picture this morning before church (good thing God doesn't mind what you look like, because it was rough this morning!)
I had another doctor's appointment this past week and everything still looks good. My blood pressure was good and I am measuring right on time even though I've had numerous people tell me in the past 2 weeks that I am looking "really" pregnant! We have finished 4 out of 6 baby classes and I'm excited for this week's because we get to tour the birth center. I also went to breast feeding class the week before last and my mom went with me...I'm really hoping I will be able to be successful with it!
I'm feeling ok, but getting more and more uncomfortable. I also constantly feel like I have something lodged in my throat. From what I can tell on google (because that's so official), it's indigestion. It is super annoying and painful at times. Hopefully the doctor will be able to suggest something next time I go.
School is going well and my kids are obsessed with all things baby. The girls ask me abotu Ellie Grace every day and are so curious as to when "I'm going to get that baby out!" Every time I get down on the floor with the kids at home, one of them always asks me if I need them to pull me up! I also made the mistake of telling them that they have to keep their chairs pushed under because my big belly might knock into them so now whenever I start to walk through a tight space, I have a little one say, "Watch out...big belly coming!" Then one of my sweet girls will say, it's not big, it's the baby!
I can't believe how quickly time is flying and how much there is to do. We have our first shower next weekend and I am so excited. I just hope we can get in our house before Ellie Grace decides to come!
![]() |
Here's a comparison since I have the same dress on...a little bigger but it's hard to tell with the jacket. |
I'm feeling ok, but getting more and more uncomfortable. I also constantly feel like I have something lodged in my throat. From what I can tell on google (because that's so official), it's indigestion. It is super annoying and painful at times. Hopefully the doctor will be able to suggest something next time I go.
School is going well and my kids are obsessed with all things baby. The girls ask me abotu Ellie Grace every day and are so curious as to when "I'm going to get that baby out!" Every time I get down on the floor with the kids at home, one of them always asks me if I need them to pull me up! I also made the mistake of telling them that they have to keep their chairs pushed under because my big belly might knock into them so now whenever I start to walk through a tight space, I have a little one say, "Watch out...big belly coming!" Then one of my sweet girls will say, it's not big, it's the baby!
I can't believe how quickly time is flying and how much there is to do. We have our first shower next weekend and I am so excited. I just hope we can get in our house before Ellie Grace decides to come!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
30 Weeks and House News
This past week has been a little better than the first week of school. I am not as tired, but still tired enough to sleep really well at night (even if it is in the chair!), which is a nice change. However, my feet are grossly swollen...sorry for this pic, but I need a reminder in the future of what my fat feet (and cankles) look like!
Luckily, my blood pressure was good this past week at my doctor's office, so I guess the swelling is just from the heat and standing up most of the day. Everything else was also good at my appointment and our 2nd baby class went well this week. We learned relaxation techniques, which was nice because all the hubbies had to give us back and hand massages! Ellie Grace is moving a ton, especially at night, so we'll see if she's a night owl when she gets here.
Here's a picture at 30 weeks (ready for football season in my Auburn gear):
In other news, the bank that owns the house we made an offer on accepted our offer! We're now in the process of getting all our financing taken care of and getting inspections. If everything goes well, we will close by Oct. 18, which is SUPER close to our due date, but we'll find a way to make it work hopefully.
Happy First Saturday of Football Season!!
Luckily, my blood pressure was good this past week at my doctor's office, so I guess the swelling is just from the heat and standing up most of the day. Everything else was also good at my appointment and our 2nd baby class went well this week. We learned relaxation techniques, which was nice because all the hubbies had to give us back and hand massages! Ellie Grace is moving a ton, especially at night, so we'll see if she's a night owl when she gets here.
Here's a picture at 30 weeks (ready for football season in my Auburn gear):
In other news, the bank that owns the house we made an offer on accepted our offer! We're now in the process of getting all our financing taken care of and getting inspections. If everything goes well, we will close by Oct. 18, which is SUPER close to our due date, but we'll find a way to make it work hopefully.
Happy First Saturday of Football Season!!
Sunday, August 26, 2012
29 Weeks
The past week has been a whirlwind!! My new kiddos started school, we started baby class at the hospital, and we're still trying to figure out if Isaac is going to make its way near us {and praying it's not!}. Here's a 29 weeks pic:
Baby class was actually a lot less cheesy than I thought it was going to be and Chad and I both enjoyed it and are looking forward to next week. The nurse teaching it is very down to earth and really just wants you to be informed about everything, so it's reassuring. At the beginning of class, all the couples had to introduce themselves and tell if they were having a boy or girl, name, etc. How crazy is it that everyone in our class is having a girl?? Especially since everyone else we know that is pregnant is having a boy.
I have another doctor's appointment Tuesday and baby class after as long as we don't get hit with a hurricane, so hopefully everything will go well.
The belly is definitely getting bigger. |
I have another doctor's appointment Tuesday and baby class after as long as we don't get hit with a hurricane, so hopefully everything will go well.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
27/28 Weeks
I'm sad to say that I don't have a picture for either of these weeks. Going back to work has been extremely hectic and I didn't really expect to be as tired as I have been. Needless to say, after staying at school most nights until after 6:00, pictures got put on the back burner. However, there WILL be a 29 weeks picture if it's the last thing I do!
I had a doctor's appointment this past week and everything was good. My blood pressure is still down and the baby's heartbeat is still strong. I am measuring a week ahead, so we may have a Halloween baby on our hands :).
I'm really struggling with how much time I spend on school related things and am starting to freak out a little bit, because as much as I love my job and want to be a super star teacher, I don't want it to become so important that I don't make time for family. I'm really stressing about how I'm going to balance being a mommy and a good teacher. Any ideas??
I'm also still stressing about the fact that we don't actually have a house yet either for this sweet baby. We put an offer on one, but are still waiting to hear back. I really hope it works out, and if it does, we'll be getting in just before Ellie Grace is due.
We start baby class this Tuesday, so I'll be back with an update then.
I had a doctor's appointment this past week and everything was good. My blood pressure is still down and the baby's heartbeat is still strong. I am measuring a week ahead, so we may have a Halloween baby on our hands :).
I'm really struggling with how much time I spend on school related things and am starting to freak out a little bit, because as much as I love my job and want to be a super star teacher, I don't want it to become so important that I don't make time for family. I'm really stressing about how I'm going to balance being a mommy and a good teacher. Any ideas??
I'm also still stressing about the fact that we don't actually have a house yet either for this sweet baby. We put an offer on one, but are still waiting to hear back. I really hope it works out, and if it does, we'll be getting in just before Ellie Grace is due.
We start baby class this Tuesday, so I'll be back with an update then.
Monday, August 6, 2012
26 Weeks
Not much new this week, although I do feel like I have more of a "baby" belly this week and I've had multiple people comment on it.
It is extremely hot here, so my feet are still pretty swollen by the end of the day. I'm feeling pretty good other than not really sleeping well because of rib pain. Most nights I end up in a chair, trying to sit up to sleep.
I start back to "official" work Friday, and I'm interested to see how my energy level will be. I also have a doctor's appointment Monday, and from then on, I start going every 2 weeks! It seems like time is passing by at warp speed! I need it to slow down just a little so we can find a house!
It is extremely hot here, so my feet are still pretty swollen by the end of the day. I'm feeling pretty good other than not really sleeping well because of rib pain. Most nights I end up in a chair, trying to sit up to sleep.
I start back to "official" work Friday, and I'm interested to see how my energy level will be. I also have a doctor's appointment Monday, and from then on, I start going every 2 weeks! It seems like time is passing by at warp speed! I need it to slow down just a little so we can find a house!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
25 Weeks and Turning 30!
I didn't take a solo pic for my 25th week, but here's a pic of Chad and I after church on Sunday. Once again, I am looking extremely swollen, which I'm attributing partly to the fact that it's about 100 degrees here every day!
I'm still feeling pretty good; however, by the end of the day my feet and ankles are pretty swollen. I can imagine what they're going to look like when we start back school and I'm on my feet all day. I had my glucose test and didn't get called back, so that means I passed, which I am extremely thankful for. The liquid they make you drink is dis-gus-ting! Thick, cherry flavored, and slick tasting - yuck!
We did more house hunting this week and I'm hoping we get to put an offer on a house soon. I am sooooo anxious to get into a house before Ellie Grace gets here.
I also turned 30 this past Saturday - how is that possible? I still feel like I should be about 24!! We didn't take any pictures (mainly because I didn't get "for real" dressed until church Sunday), but we went on a date Friday night, then ate at my grandparents' house Saturday, and went to eat with Chad's parents on Monday. I did get a picture of my cake...ice cream cake from Dairy Queen is my fav and my mom always got us one growing up. This one is quite humorous as Mom and I just walked in and picked one from the freezer and the little guy working asked if we wanted writing...his cursive is probably better than mine though!
We start school next Friday and I have a doctor's appointment the following Monday, which will start my twice monthly visits. I can't believe how quickly time is flying!
Note to self: This was not the most flattering of outfit choices |
We did more house hunting this week and I'm hoping we get to put an offer on a house soon. I am sooooo anxious to get into a house before Ellie Grace gets here.
I also turned 30 this past Saturday - how is that possible? I still feel like I should be about 24!! We didn't take any pictures (mainly because I didn't get "for real" dressed until church Sunday), but we went on a date Friday night, then ate at my grandparents' house Saturday, and went to eat with Chad's parents on Monday. I did get a picture of my cake...ice cream cake from Dairy Queen is my fav and my mom always got us one growing up. This one is quite humorous as Mom and I just walked in and picked one from the freezer and the little guy working asked if we wanted writing...his cursive is probably better than mine though!
We start school next Friday and I have a doctor's appointment the following Monday, which will start my twice monthly visits. I can't believe how quickly time is flying!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
24 Weeks and Goodies
Once again, I'm late getting the weekly post up, but I did actually take the picture at the start of my 24th week, so that's an improvement.
For some reason, I always look really tired...I hate to see what I look like after the first week of school!
I'm still feeling pretty good, just taking lots of naps. Although I've been feeling Ellie Grace move off and on for a while now, she has really started getting active this week. Her movements are much more exaggerated and Chad can see when she is moving/kicking now because she moves my stomach. It is so neat to see!
In other news, we've been house hunting this week and I wish we could just skip all the looking,paperwork, etc. and just move into a house that we like! Hopefully, this week we will find something.
Ellie Grace has also been very blessed lately with some wonderful gifts. Her cousin, HC, gave her tons of baby clothes and we are so grateful! She had some of the cutest stuff and I can't wait to see Ellie Grace wear it! My mom also went to a Bailey Boys outlet this past week when she was traveling and got the cutest stuff for both girls! We are very blessed to have such a giving, loving family!
It seems like time is passing by way too quickly! Hopefully, we'll find a house soon and get settled before Little Miss makes her appearance!
For some reason, I always look really tired...I hate to see what I look like after the first week of school!
I'm still feeling pretty good, just taking lots of naps. Although I've been feeling Ellie Grace move off and on for a while now, she has really started getting active this week. Her movements are much more exaggerated and Chad can see when she is moving/kicking now because she moves my stomach. It is so neat to see!
In other news, we've been house hunting this week and I wish we could just skip all the looking,paperwork, etc. and just move into a house that we like! Hopefully, this week we will find something.
Ellie Grace has also been very blessed lately with some wonderful gifts. Her cousin, HC, gave her tons of baby clothes and we are so grateful! She had some of the cutest stuff and I can't wait to see Ellie Grace wear it! My mom also went to a Bailey Boys outlet this past week when she was traveling and got the cutest stuff for both girls! We are very blessed to have such a giving, loving family!
Booties and Bows |
Love these...for church and Christmas |
All 3 of these are packed with clothes...we are so blessed! |
These are also packed with clothes and shoes |
Sunday, July 15, 2012
23 Weeks and A Trip
I feel like I am way behind on this little family blog. I haven't done as good as I wanted to with taking a weekly picture and I'm hoping to correct that from here on out. Here I am at 23 weeks...let's just hope the heat is making me look so swollen!
The bump is definitely bigger, but I'm trying not to let myself worry about it. As long as my doctor's happy, I'm happy.
I'm still feeling pretty good, although by the end of the day if I'm been doing a lot, my feet and ankles are pretty swollen. I haven't really been craving anything lately other than sweet tea (which I really try to limit) and apple juice...both of which I never really drank a lot before I was pregnant. We finally decided on a name and I went a little overboard buying some things for Ellie Grace this weekend when I went to Birmingham to visit my sister, brother in law, and sweet niece. We went to the Carter's Outlet and I couldn't help myself! She is a lucky little girl already because her cousin, HC, has let her borrow all of her baby clothes and keeps giving her more fun stuff.
My mom went with me to Birmingham, and when we were there, we all took a trip to Steel City Pops. If you live in Birmingham, or are in the area, you have to go to Homewood and try them. They are so good and made of all natural ingredients, so they're good for you. Definitely a good treat to cool off!
We liked them so much, we all got one to go for later at home! Next time, I really want to try the sweet tea flavor!
I have a doctor's appointment Tuesday, along with my glucose test, so I'm really hoping all goes well with my blood pressure this time and that I don't fail the glucose test and have to take the 3 hour one. Hopefully this week we're also going to look at houses...say a little prayer that we'll find something soon :).
The bump is definitely bigger, but I'm trying not to let myself worry about it. As long as my doctor's happy, I'm happy.
I'm still feeling pretty good, although by the end of the day if I'm been doing a lot, my feet and ankles are pretty swollen. I haven't really been craving anything lately other than sweet tea (which I really try to limit) and apple juice...both of which I never really drank a lot before I was pregnant. We finally decided on a name and I went a little overboard buying some things for Ellie Grace this weekend when I went to Birmingham to visit my sister, brother in law, and sweet niece. We went to the Carter's Outlet and I couldn't help myself! She is a lucky little girl already because her cousin, HC, has let her borrow all of her baby clothes and keeps giving her more fun stuff.
My mom went with me to Birmingham, and when we were there, we all took a trip to Steel City Pops. If you live in Birmingham, or are in the area, you have to go to Homewood and try them. They are so good and made of all natural ingredients, so they're good for you. Definitely a good treat to cool off!
Ready for her 'poppy' |
Trying the green apple...I'm sure everyone thought we were all crazy because we all tasted each other's popsicle! |
Yummy! |
Peach, Coconut, Green Apple, Strawberry Balsamic, and Watermelon |
I have a doctor's appointment Tuesday, along with my glucose test, so I'm really hoping all goes well with my blood pressure this time and that I don't fail the glucose test and have to take the 3 hour one. Hopefully this week we're also going to look at houses...say a little prayer that we'll find something soon :).
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