Sunday, August 26, 2012

29 Weeks

The past week has been a whirlwind!! My new kiddos started school, we started baby class at the hospital, and we're still trying to figure out if Isaac is going to make its way near us {and praying it's not!}. Here's a 29 weeks pic:
The belly is definitely getting bigger.
Baby class was actually a lot less cheesy than I thought it was going to be and Chad and I both enjoyed it and are looking forward to next week. The nurse teaching it is very down to earth and really just wants you to be informed about everything, so it's reassuring. At the beginning of class, all the couples had to introduce themselves and tell if they were having a boy or girl, name, etc. How crazy is it that everyone in our class is having a girl?? Especially since everyone else we know that is pregnant is having a boy.

I have another doctor's appointment Tuesday and baby class after as long as we don't get hit with a hurricane, so hopefully everything will go well.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

27/28 Weeks

I'm sad to say that I don't have a picture for either of these weeks. Going back to work has been extremely hectic and I didn't really expect to be as tired as I have been. Needless to say, after staying at school most nights until after 6:00, pictures got put on the back burner. However, there WILL be a 29 weeks picture if it's the last thing I do!
I had a doctor's appointment this past week and everything was good. My blood pressure is still down and the baby's heartbeat is still strong. I am measuring a week ahead, so we may have a Halloween baby on our hands :).
I'm really struggling with how much time I spend on school related things and am starting to freak out a little bit, because as much as I love my job and want to be a super star teacher, I don't want it to become so important that I don't make time for family. I'm really stressing about how I'm going to balance being a mommy and a good teacher. Any ideas??
I'm also still stressing about the fact that we don't actually have a house yet either for this sweet baby. We put an offer on one, but are still waiting to hear back. I really hope it works out, and if it does, we'll be getting in just before Ellie Grace is due.
We start baby class this Tuesday, so I'll be back with an update then.

Monday, August 6, 2012

26 Weeks

Not much new this week, although I do feel like I have more of a "baby" belly this week and I've had multiple people comment on it.
It is extremely hot here, so my feet are still pretty swollen by the end of the day. I'm feeling pretty good other than not really sleeping well because of rib pain. Most nights I end up in a chair, trying to sit up to sleep.
I start back to "official" work Friday, and I'm interested to see how my energy level will be. I also have a doctor's appointment Monday, and from then on, I start going every 2 weeks! It seems like time is passing by at warp speed! I need it to slow down just a little so we can find a house!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

25 Weeks and Turning 30!

I didn't take a solo pic for my 25th week, but here's a pic of Chad and I after church on Sunday. Once again, I am looking extremely swollen, which I'm attributing partly to the fact that it's about 100 degrees here every day!
Note to self: This was not the most flattering of outfit choices
I'm still feeling pretty good; however, by the end of the day my feet and ankles are pretty swollen. I can imagine what they're going to look like when we start back school and I'm on my feet all day. I had my glucose test and didn't get called back, so that means I passed, which I am extremely thankful for. The liquid they make you drink is dis-gus-ting! Thick, cherry flavored, and slick tasting - yuck!

We did more house hunting this week and I'm hoping we get to put an offer on a house soon. I am sooooo anxious to get into a house before Ellie Grace gets here.

I also turned 30 this past Saturday - how is that possible? I still feel like I should be about 24!! We didn't take any pictures (mainly because I didn't get "for real" dressed until church Sunday), but we went on a date Friday night, then ate at my grandparents' house Saturday, and went to eat with Chad's parents on Monday. I did get a picture of my cream cake from Dairy Queen is my fav and my mom always got us one growing up. This one is quite humorous as Mom and I just walked in and picked one from the freezer and the little guy working asked if we wanted writing...his cursive is probably better than mine though!
We start school next Friday and I have a doctor's appointment the following Monday, which will start my twice monthly visits. I can't believe how quickly time is flying!