Sunday, August 19, 2012

27/28 Weeks

I'm sad to say that I don't have a picture for either of these weeks. Going back to work has been extremely hectic and I didn't really expect to be as tired as I have been. Needless to say, after staying at school most nights until after 6:00, pictures got put on the back burner. However, there WILL be a 29 weeks picture if it's the last thing I do!
I had a doctor's appointment this past week and everything was good. My blood pressure is still down and the baby's heartbeat is still strong. I am measuring a week ahead, so we may have a Halloween baby on our hands :).
I'm really struggling with how much time I spend on school related things and am starting to freak out a little bit, because as much as I love my job and want to be a super star teacher, I don't want it to become so important that I don't make time for family. I'm really stressing about how I'm going to balance being a mommy and a good teacher. Any ideas??
I'm also still stressing about the fact that we don't actually have a house yet either for this sweet baby. We put an offer on one, but are still waiting to hear back. I really hope it works out, and if it does, we'll be getting in just before Ellie Grace is due.
We start baby class this Tuesday, so I'll be back with an update then.


  1. Take care of yourself my friend . . . my only advice is know when to say "when" and to put family first as much as possible. Thinking of you and sending cyber hugs :)


  2. When you figure out how to balance it all, let me know. At two years in, I still don't have that one all wrapped up... which might explain while I'm working at 12:15 in the morning :)
