Sunday, October 28, 2012

38 Weeks, Getting Ready, and a Contest

How in the world are we only a week and a half away from my due date?? I feel like I have so much to do before baby girl gets here! Luckily, my mom has been super helpful these past few weeks and this weekend we got a lot accomplished. {We'll be bringing Ellie Grace home to her house since ours is still under contract}. Here are some pictures of things we did:
We got the changing table set up (the lovies are just hanging out on top for now)

Our car seat came and we're getting it installed this week

We got the stroller put together

The bassinet is all ready...this is the bassinet my sister and I slept in as babies
I had my weekly appointment this past Wednesday and had my first check. Ellie Grace is definitely in the right position and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, so I guess she could come any time now. Here's my 38 week picture {looking large as usual}:
Since we're super close to our due date, I'm going to copy my sweet sister and throw a little contest for all 3 people who read this blog. Leave a comment telling me when you think Ellie Grace will make her debut (include the time) and I'll send a Starbucks gift card to the winner. :)


  1. November 8 @ 1:59pm.

    Love that Ellie will be sleeping in the same bassinet as you and your sister!

    Heather (

  2. Nov. 7 @ 2:02 p.m.
    She is going to be such a cutie

  3. November 5 @ 4:17 p.m.
    Can't wait to meet her!

  4. Nov. 5 at 11:30pm. That is the only chance of rain for a while. Babies love to come during the rain. Can't wait!

  5. Jonathan says Nov. 6 at 2:30 pm
    I say Nov. 2 at 5:18 pm
    Helen Claire says "amorrow night" aka tomorrow night, but that's her answer for when anything happens- haha!

  6. Um......Friday, Nov. 9th @ 3:30 a.m. That way I'll hopefully be able to come see this angel!

  7. That was my bassinet so it is 'old'! It is sweet that all my baby girls are going to sleep in it. Hope it brings precious dreams.

  8. Saturday November 10 around 430pm.
    Can't wait to meet her!
