Sunday, October 28, 2012

38 Weeks, Getting Ready, and a Contest

How in the world are we only a week and a half away from my due date?? I feel like I have so much to do before baby girl gets here! Luckily, my mom has been super helpful these past few weeks and this weekend we got a lot accomplished. {We'll be bringing Ellie Grace home to her house since ours is still under contract}. Here are some pictures of things we did:
We got the changing table set up (the lovies are just hanging out on top for now)

Our car seat came and we're getting it installed this week

We got the stroller put together

The bassinet is all ready...this is the bassinet my sister and I slept in as babies
I had my weekly appointment this past Wednesday and had my first check. Ellie Grace is definitely in the right position and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced, so I guess she could come any time now. Here's my 38 week picture {looking large as usual}:
Since we're super close to our due date, I'm going to copy my sweet sister and throw a little contest for all 3 people who read this blog. Leave a comment telling me when you think Ellie Grace will make her debut (include the time) and I'll send a Starbucks gift card to the winner. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

37 Weeks

This post is a little late, but life has been a little hectic lately! I know I say this a lot, but I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by! It's crazy to think that we will be meeting Ellie Grace in just a few weeks. I went to the doctor this past Wednesday (I go every week now) and everything looked good. He will start checking me at my next appointment, so we will see how things go Wednesday. Here's a picture of this week's belly...just excuse the fact that I look like I have no make-up and that I haven't slept in weeks!

I've started to feel more uncomfortable this week, mainly from just being so big and constantly out of breath! Luckily, my kids at school are sweet and help me out a lot. I'm still planning on trying to work until she gets here, but we'll see what the doctor says Wednesday.

To add to the craziness, we were told last week that the loan office is backed up on their paper work, so we won't close on our house until Nov. 16, which is after Ellie Grace is due. We were very disappointed that we won't be bringing her home to our house, but luckily she won't remember it :). We have lots of people on standby to help us move, so hopefully moving in with a newborn will go as smoothly as it can. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

36 Weeks and A Shower at School

Yesterday, my sweet kindergarten team threw a shower at school for Ellie Grace. Everything was so cute and we got some really sweet things.

 Super cute decorations

Loved the cute and yummy!

Front view of my enormous belly!

My sweet kindergarten grade group (minus Kim and Jenny)

Me and Mom
36 weeks side shot
We had a doctor's appointment Wednesday and everything looked good. We talked about when I would be induced if she decides not come on time, even though I'm hoping she decides to come on her own! My blood pressure is still really good, even though my feet are super swollen and I actually lost 2 pounds this week!
Tomorrow, mom and I are going to take back some things we got duplicates of and get some of the things we still need. Then, we'll just be waiting to get in our house and waiting for her to get here!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

35 Weeks and More Showers

This week has gone by so quickly! I feel like these last few weeks are flying by and it's making me more nervous. I'm starting to realize that in a month or so, we're actually going to have a baby to take care of! Even crazier, that we are still not in the house and we may not get to close on our original date, so I'm just praying Ellie Grace waits to come until we are in the house.

This past weekend, we had 2 more showers (yes, we have had a ridiculous amount of showers, but I am very grateful for everyone who has wanted to give us one and for the things we have received).

Friday night, some of our friends in Marianna hosted a co-ed shower so Chad could get in on the experience. This is a picture of just the girls that helped host:
We got lots of diapers and some really sweet books (the theme was "Bottoms and Books").

On Sunday, I had a shower at my church and we were blessed with some really sweet things from some of the sweetest ladies. It was special because these are ladies I grew up around and have known forever. It was also special because my sister and niece got to come for the weekend.
My mom and I

4 sister, granny, mom, niece, and me
I've felt good this week, other than my swollen feet. I've actually started sleeping better this week, which is a blessing. This week I start going to the doctor every week, so hopefully we'll get a good report!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

34 Weeks and Fun With Old Friends

This past weekend, some of my oldest friends from elementary and high school hosted a shower for Ellie Grace. It was so sweet and they really outdid themselves with all they did to make it special. Everything was perfect and we got some really great things for Ellie Grace {I forgot to take a picture of her gifts and they're all at my mom's since we're still not in our house!}. We are so blessed to have so many people that care about us!

Sweet friends...we've known each other forever! {Just look past the fact that I look like a tank!}
 I am still feeling pretty good, but my feet are extremely swollen everyday when I get home. I have tried some different things to help them, but haven't found anything that really works. Hopefully, they won't get much worse in the next few weeks.