Tuesday, June 26, 2012

It's A...


We were so shocked yesterday when we went for our ultrasound and the tech informed us that nugget is a girl! For some reason, we all had it in our heads that it was a boy and even the tech said when we walked in that her guess was a boy. We didn't "want" a boy or girl, just a healthy baby, so we were happy either way. All of her measurements look good and she weighs 15 oz., which is ahead of the average weight for 20 weeks. She was moving the whole time, waving her arms and crossing her legs. Here are a few more pictures:
I love this one...it looks like she's giving us a thumbs up!

I know it's hard to tell since the perspective is off, but her legs and feet look so long!

Let's hope her feet aren't as big as mine!
We are very happy and feel extremely blessed to have a healthy, growing baby! It is amazing to see everything on the ultrasound that shows she is healthy...we were able to see all 4 chambers of the heart, umbilical cord, leg bones, etc., which was really neat.

 My blood pressure was high again, so I am having to do a 24 hour test and hopefully that will give us some insight on why it's high. The doctor and I both think that I just get stressed thinking about the possibility of it being high when I get in the office, so it is.

I'm going to *try* to post one of the videos we got from the ultrasound...I'm not sure it will work :)

In the first one, her head is at the top and you can see her moving a little bit as well as her heart beating. The bottom one is so funny because she kept reaching down like she was trying to move her feet!

Thanks so much for your prayers...we are definitely blessed!


  1. I just couldn't help myself. I am going to live vicariously through you for a bit if that's okay. I am so excited for you! That smile on your face says it all.

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

    1. Oh Kelley,
      You are so sweet!! I'm going to be saying some prayers for you...you will get that sweet baby one day!!
